How Women Under Elderly Home Care Can Get Fit

Posted on: 23 January 2019

It's never too late to start exercising, even if you were not active under 70. Physical activity can help reduce several of the symptoms that you might experience as a senior. However, you'll want to approach exercise the right way while living under elderly home care services.

Don't Assume That You're Not Fit

Individuals can age at very different rates. There are some individuals who feel as fit at 70 as they did when they were 40. Some individuals might be struggling with diseases such as osteoporosis, while others only have a few minor complaints but are otherwise generally healthy. For that reason, your exercise program will need to be tailored specifically to what works for you. 

See Your Doctor

The very first thing you should do before beginning an exercise program is to check with your doctor. Then, make any necessary changes to your exercise program that your doctor recommends.

Focus On Aerobics

Aerobic exercises are great to try because they will help improve your cardiovascular system and respiratory system.These include activities such as walking, swimming, and jogging. Walking is a great way to get started exercising without placing a lot of strain on your joints. If you want to eventually start jogging, work your way up to that point.

Seek Help From Professionals

If you're not sure where to start, ask your home health care provider if they can get you started with a hospital health program. Your local senior center might have programs that are supervised by professionals who are used to working with seniors. They will be able to recommend programs that won't place you at risk of suffering an injury.

Get Strong and Limber

One of the reasons why you may suffer from more injuries is that your body is not as strong and flexible as it used to be. To solve this problem, make sure to incorporate stretching and weight training into your exercise regimen.

Stay Consistent

The most important part of an exercise program is that you remain consistent. This will allow your body to adapt to the exercises. However, don't overdo it. When you feel like you've had enough, there's no harm in taking a break for the rest of the day. The great thing about home care services is that they can help you keep track with different aspects of your life. Ask if they can help you stick to your exercise schedule. 
